Giving Locally: Active Grace Offers a Hand Up to People Needing Food
CFMC COVID-19 Emergency Fund in Action
The best way we can help individuals and families successfully find their way out of poverty, homelessness, addiction, and other life-altering issues is by building relationships with them and offering resources they can use to change their lives for the better.
Since 2013, Active Grace has been helping men and women, from all walks of life, find a path towards stability by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. Whether they’re homeless, recovering from addiction, a veteran, or on probation, Active Grace Executive Director Ryan Chapman, his staff and a team of volunteers are there to empower them with the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ and offer job training, transitional housing, and educational opportunities.
Three years ago, Active Grace opened a food pantry to serve its residents in the Camp Camby (job training/transitional housing) program as well as the local community. Camp participants get involved by stocking, unloading, and distributing food items.
“We are feeding about 1,000 people a week during this pandemic,” said Chapman.
The Community Foundation of Morgan County (CFMC) understands food insecurity is a real problem in our communities. That’s why we established the COVID-19 Emergency Fund to support local food pantries that serve our most vulnerable and at-risk residents.
The Active Grace food pantry is currently a drive-thru service on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. and on Thursdays from Noon to 2 p.m. The pantry has perishable and non-perishable food, fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, and bread. In June, according to Chapman, the pantry will be open from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The pantry is located at 10740 E. County Road 700 South, Camby.
Chapman is thankful for the COVID-19 Emergency Fund as they’ll use the money to buy more food and serve more people in need. Active Grace also receives donations from businesses, churches, and individuals. They also have partnerships with Gleaners Food Bank, Second Helpings, Walmart, and Meijer.
Why is it important for people to give and get involved? “It’s important because we strive to offer a hand up instead of a hand-out to set up a family or veteran for long-term success. Through our long-term transitional housing and workforce development programs, we focus on long-term sustainability,” added Chapman. “So, when people give of their time and financial gifts, they’re not only making a life-changing difference in the lives of families, but their efforts are multiplied through our network and their donations are multiplied to reach more people in need.”
Supporting our local food pantries with emergency funding is a real solution to meet the needs of at-risk individuals and families. With your donation, regardless of the amount, we can continue funding these pantries. We know the problem of food insecurity will continue to grow due to this pandemic. Be a part of this solution. Donate today at