New 2022 County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Data Reports Now Available

As grant writers, we all know the stresses of searching for grants.  What grant best fits what my organization is looking to accomplish?  Can I write this in a way that gives me the best chance of being awarded this grant?  Do I have all the details the funder is requesting?

Grant writing is an all too overwhelming process sometimes.  The who, what, how, and data to back it up is incredibly detail driven.  Let’s be honest, sometimes, it’s also frustrating to find the right data to validate a specific organizational need or intended goal.

Annually, The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute conducts a program known as County Heath Rankings and Roadmaps (CHR&R).  This program provides data, evidence, guidance, and examples to build awareness of the multiple factors that influence health and support leaders in growing community power to improve health equity.  The Rankings are unique in their ability to measure the health of nearly every county in all 50 states, and are complemented by guidance, tools, and resources designed to accelerate community learning and action. CHR&R is known for effectively translating and communicating complex data and evidence-informed policy into accessible models, reports, and products that deepen the understanding of what makes communities healthy and inspires and supports improvement efforts. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps’ work is rooted in a sincere belief in health equity, the idea that everyone deserves a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.

CFMC funds and focuses efforts on Social Determinants of Health.  These determinants focus on the following areas: neighborhood environment, economic stability, education, healthcare and food, and community involvement and are proven to have a major impact on health outcomes – specifically for the most vulnerable populations.  You can find more about CFMC’s 2019 Community and Youth surveys here:

We hope by providing access to additional data and resources such as the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, that grant seekers like yourself will feel supported in your funding efforts.  We know it takes a village.  We are in this together.