The 4-1-1: Empower Your Community to Thrive

CFMC aims to enhance the quality of life for current and future Morgan County residents. Through competitive Thrive community development grants, we strive to empower and engage Morgan County communities by improving the quality of life.  Civic organizations and non-profits addressing community development needs are encouraged to apply.  Projects should address the social determinants of health, including neighborhood environment, economic stability, education, healthcare, and community involvement.  The foundation aims to support creative approaches to community needs by providing grants which will benefit a wide range of people.

Thrive grants are a response to a 2019 countywide survey and outreach initiative that identified communities’ priorities, challenges, and opportunities for creating healthier, happier communities.  Findings from this initiative are being used to develop an equitable, comprehensive, competitive grant cycle to build healthier, more resilient communities in Morgan County through CFMC programming, advocacy, and partnerships.

Applicants will be required to match the dollars requested or up to $6,000.  The applicant will document the project’s goals, timeline, community need to be addressed, and a plan for future maintenance and sustainability.  Thrive grants are intended only to support new initiatives.  Partnering organizations will only need to submit one application.

2022 Timeline for Impact Grants  

  • Friday, August 19th: Thrive Grant Application Opens
  • Monday, October 3rd: Thrive Grant Application Deadline
  • Friday, October 21st: Notification of Grants Awards sent via email with Grant Agreement
  • Friday, November 4th: Grant Agreements signed and due to CFMC by 4 p.m.
  • Monday, December 12th. Matching Form Submission due via Smarter Select by 4 p.m.
  • CFMC has created a Grant Guideline document which includes further details of the application process, eligibility, what CFMC is looking to fund, expectations for grantees, grant selection and awarding information.  Please visit for Thrive Grant information and to access the Grant Guideline document and the link to apply.

If you know of a 501c or civic organization who may appreciate Thrive, please feel free to share this information.

Thank you for empowering Morgan County communities to Thrive.