Giving Tuesday is November 28!

Giving Tuesday kicks off a season of gratitude and celebrating all that is good in our communities. This fundraising day began in 2012 to promote year-end giving. The day celebrates nonprofit efforts and provides a platform to encourage philanthropic giving. This year, the date for Giving Tuesday is November 28th, 2023. According to, there have been 90 national movements, conducted in 300+ communities worldwide, and have encouraged millions in gifts from generous donors. provides nonprofits and community organizations with an annual toolkit to use for promotion and to rally their communities and residents. Most of your favorite Morgan County nonprofits use social media accounts to promote the campaign.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, when we are to be thankful for our blessings, we celebrate nonprofits and community programs that help others across the county. We encourage you to be grateful for the social services provided in our communities by giving your time, talent, or treasure. If Thanksgiving is a season for gratitude and inspiration, now is the time to make an impact in your local community.