Rural Residents in Morgan County are at Greater Risk for Poor Health

One reason why Morgan County continues to have higher rates in poor health outcomes, than Indiana overall, is because there are people living in rural areas who have limited access to health care for a variety of reasons.

The Community Foundation of Morgan County (CFMC) recognizes the lack of access to healthcare is a real problem in our communities. That’s why we’re working with IU Health Morgan and other organizations to bring nutrition and medical services to people living in rural townships.

The 2019 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s County Health Rankings and Roadmaps reported the following statistics for Morgan County:

·         Morgan County reported a higher prevalence of diabetes (13%) compared to the U.S. average of nine percent and 12% statewide.

·         Adult obesity in our communities were higher (32%) than the national average of 26% and one percent lower than Indiana overall (33%).

·         27% of residents were physically inactive in 2019, compared to the state average of 25% and 19% nationwide.

Prior to COVID-19, IU Health Morgan was at the Bulldog Blessings Pantry providing plant-based food options, cooking tools, and education to individuals and families. Pantry staff and volunteers were trained to help educate participants about healthier eating.

In addition, the IU Health Mobile Bus was at Hoosier Harvest Church once a month providing a free health clinic, operated by a licensed nurse practitioner. The free clinic offered important preventative healthcare information to help residents learn how to take better care of themselves.


CFMC has identified real solutions such as funding IU Health Morgan’s plant-based nutrition program at the Bulldog Blessings Pantry in Monrovia. When it becomes safe to do so, the IU Health Morgan programs will start again. You can be a part of the solution by donating at Give today and help change lives tomorrow.