Community Involvement is closely associated with population health status, as it indicates interpersonal and group engagement in society. An engaged population reflects social capital and cohesion within a community, which has a positive impact on emotional and physical health, resource mobilization, and economic growth.
What We’ve Learned
Throughout Morgan County, residents list “sense of community” as an aspect they like most about where they live. Approximately 47% of residents regularly participate in community activities, primarily those hosted at local schools and churches. Community meetings are also a significant point of engagement, with 22% of residents reporting attendance. Primary barriers to additional community involvement include a lack of free time, and lack of awareness.
In the 2019 community survey and conversations, many residents expressed a need for additional youth engagement and opportunities, and greater coordination of community services.
With this insight, CFMC is better informed to develop community development and outreach strategies with local leaders and business owners. Morgan County residents from each hometown have shared which locations in their community serve as gathering places, which is valuable information for future community organizing and disbursement of services with local partners.
CFMC is committed to continuing to build the sense of community that residents have long enjoyed in Morgan County.
At the link below you’ll find a directory of local resources related to Community Involvement. While the majority of resources are specific to Morgan County, a few are located in the surrounding area. Please contact us at with any known resource updates.
Community Involvement Resources
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