When you give to CFMC, you support the non-profits and causes you care about most. 100% of your donation stays in Morgan County and is used to address our greatest needs and challenges. Check out our grants page for more information on how donations are utilized.
Donor gifts are pooled together and invested for long-term growth. In the non-profit world, we call these endowed funds. It promises an annual distribution without ever withdrawing from the principal amount. It’s our way to ensure philanthropy forever impacts our county.
Each year a portion of the investments’ long-term return becomes dollars granted back into the community for impact. Fundholders can then support their favorite non-profit, program, or scholarship. You can also support the Impact grantmaking fund if you want to give dollars to all areas.
Thanks to Lilly Endowment’s Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) initiative, CFMC has been awarded the opportunity to support real solutions for real problems. Matching funds are available from now until December 31, 2025, or until the matching dollars are matched.